Saturday, August 27, 2011

It didn't go

That's really all there is to say. It didn't go.

I became busy, and stopped updating this blog (as is obvious). Less obvious were other unforeseen circumstances.

I began working at my riding barn under the agreement that I would be working with a woman who was serving as 'Head Instructor' at the time. Unfortunately, she was fired (somewhat abruptly, I gather) the week after I began my part time arrangement.

This put me in a difficult position. On the one hand, I was still learning some things. I learned about deworming. I learned about all the little things that go on the the background of running a large equine business. I learned how to administer vaccines. I removed stitches from a horse lip.

I worked with a lovely little paint pony named Lakota, who is now (sadly) a decent school horse. I liked her better before, when she was more fiery and less malicious.

On the other hand, I was not learning what I had desired to learn. I had wanted to learn about schooling horses, either improving their ground manners or making them safer to ride. Instead, I was spending the vast majority of my 25-or-so barn hours a week tacking horses for lessons.

It wasn't all bad. I rode almost every day. I enjoyed being outside in the sun, and being able to work with other people. Programming is a solitary profession. Even so, my situation was that of a contractor who had agreed to work for a fee, then discovered that the payment was not what had previously been agreed.

Towards the beginning of June, my programming boss's boss asked me if I would consider going back to work full time. I accepted.

I still ride, and am trying to get out to the barn to ride more often. I still work at the barn two evenings a week, and sometimes on Saturday. I'm not perfectly happy with the way things turned out, but I'm glad I took the opportunity to try working part-time at the barn.

So I've let this blog linger, but I am still 'hunting for elsewhere'. I am thinking, probably too much. I wish to send my thoughts out into the world, to mingle with the thoughts of others, and then to return to me, hopefully strengthened. I am reading, and I want to write about what I am reading, mostly just to help me process.

Anyway, I hope to keep updating sporadically about thoughts and things I've read and things I'm reading. And maybe horses sometimes too.

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